IT-alert: October 13 test in the Province of Bolzano and the Brenta river basin areas in the Province of Trento
The test in Trento is one of the activities of the exercise planned as part of the National Civil Protection Week 2023

The first phase of tests on territories of IT-alert, the public alert system Italy is adopting, ends on October 13. The 'last date will be in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, where around 12 PM the test message will arrive on the switched-on and connected mobile phones of people in the target area.
During the test in Bolzano, it will be possible to access and fill out the appropriate survey from the home page of the website, thus contributing to the implementation of the system also by reporting possible malfunctions. Even those who, being in the area involved in the test around 12 noon, should not receive any IT-alert notification can fill out the survey to report it.
On October 13, also, as part of the exercise organized for the National Civil Protection Week 2023 by the Autonomous Province of Trento, a series of IT-alert message sending tests will be carried out between 9:30 AM and 11:50 AM in the areas of the Brenta River basin in Valsugana. The objective is to test the system in small areas of territory, verify the possible overshooting between close areas and test the correct reception of the message in mountainous areas.
The municipalities involved in the exercise in the Autonomous Province of Trento, which will take place before the test in Bolzano, will be merged into different areas and will be reached by 5 messages in the following order:
- Novaledo, Roncegno Terme and Borgo Valsugana
- Borgo Valsugana and Castelnuovo
- Castelnuovo, Castel Ivano and Ospedaletto
- Ospedaletto and Grigno
- Grigno
The test message related to the exercise will be customized for each area and as occurred for each test on the territory, those who will be in the municipalities affected by the exercise activities will be invited to fill out the dedicated questionnaire that can be reached at