What it is

IT-alert is the new public warning system that provides immediate information to the population. It broadcasts alert messages to mobile phones in a specific geographical area in case of upcoming or ongoing major emergencies or disasters. Once broadcast, the IT-alert message is received by anyone within the area affected by the emergency who has a cell phone switched on and connected to phone cells. 

At this stage of first operativity of the system, the Department of Civil Protection is in charge of sending IT-alert messages. However, in the future, as provided by the Directive of the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies of February 7, 2023, all parts of the National Civil Protection Service will be allowed to use IT-alert. 

The national public warning system integrates the existing information and communication methods for different risk scenarios in order to promote the rapid dissemination of early information on potential dangerous situations to the public and the implementation of self-protection measures in relation to the specific risk. 

However, IT-alert alone is not enough. It requires, in fact, risk awareness among the people receiving the message, which is achieved through knowledge of the territory, civil protection planning and proper behavior in emergency situations. For more information, visit the I don't take risks website.


From February 13, 2024, the IT-alert system is operational only for the following civil protection risks:    

•  Nuclear accident or radiological emergency situation
•  Major accidents at industrial facilities;
•  Collapse of a large dam;
•  Volcanic activity in the areas of the Phlegraean Fields, Vesuvius, and at the island of Vulcano.  

For these scenarios you will therefore be able to receive an actual alert message. Click here to learn more.

For the following risks, however, the testing phase is extended for one year:

•  Earthquake-generated tsunami; 
•  Stromboli volcanic activity;  
•  Heavy rainfall.   

In these cases you will receive only test messages for now. Click here to learn more.