IT-alert test roadmap continues: September 14 in Piedmont, Puglia and Umbria
The aim of the national scale tests is to raise awareness of the new system, test its functioning and collect feedback to implement it.
The tests of IT-alert, the public alert system Italy is adopting, continue on schedule. After today's September 12 tests in Campania, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Marche, on September 14 the Piedmont, Apulia and Umbria regions will follow.
A great amount of feedback has come so far through the questionnaire.
The analysis of the information provided by the users, processed anonymously, together with the work carried out with the mobile operators, is helping to further investigate all aspects of the functioning of the system and intervene on the anomalies detected, above all, the non-reception of the message by some devices or the multiple arrival of the message on the same mobile phone.
The IT-alert test roadmap will continue according to the following schedule:
- September 19 in Basilicata, Lombardy and Molise
- September 21 in Lazio, Valle d'Aosta and Veneto
- September 26 in Abruzzo and the Autonomous Province of Trento
- September 27 in Liguria
- October 13 in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.
However, the dates indicated may be subject to change should regional civil protection systems be engaged in activities for any alerts
The dates above, could be subject to change, in case the regional civil protection systems are activated for any alerts that may occur on the test days or for emergency situations.