Exe Flegrei 2024: IT-alert test on October 11

notizia7 ottobre 2024

Exe Flegrei 2024: IT-alert test on October 11

The message will be broadcast during the exercise to cell phones in the Campania Region, potentially involving neighboring regions due to the overshooting phenomenon

Logo EXE Flegrei 2024

The National Civil Protection Service will participate in the "Exe Flegrei 2024" exercise from Wednesday, October 9 to Saturday, October 12, 2024. The exercise will simulate volcanic activity and focus on predicting the activation of the alarm level for upcoming eruptions, providing an opportunity to perform an IT-alert test for the first time in this specific scenario.

On Friday, October 11, at 5 p.m., citizens located in the Campania Region will receive the following TEST message on their cell phones:

TEST TEST Esercitazione Campi Flegrei 2024. Questo è un messaggio di TEST IT-alert. È in corso la SIMULAZIONE di una possibile attività vulcanica ai Campi Flegrei. Per conoscere il messaggio che riceverai in caso di reale pericolo e per compilare il questionario vai su www.it-alert.gov.it TEST TEST

TEST TEST Campi Flegrei Exercise 2024. This is an IT-alert TEST MESSAGE. There is an ongoing SIMULATION of possible volcanic activity at Campi Flegrei. To learn what message you will receive in case of real danger and fill out the survey, go to www.it-alert.gov.it/en  TEST TEST

Due to the overshooting phenomenon, users in neighboring regions of Campania may also receive the message.

The IT alert system for the volcanic activity scenario at Campi Flegrei has been operational since February 13, 2024. Exercises such as "Exe Flegrei 2024" are crucial for testing the system. These exercises involve tests, simulations, and feedback collection to verify the system's effectiveness. This includes checking the message broadcasting process, the behavior of phone cells, and their coverage to improve the system.

During the exercise, a dedicated page will be accessible from the website www.it-alert.gov.it. This page will display the message that citizens would receive in case of a real emergency and a link to a survey that people in the affected areas will be asked to complete, even if they do not receive any IT-alert notifications.

For all information related to Exe Flegrei 2024, visit www.protezionecivile.gov.it/en/

At the Phlegraean Fields, the IT-alert warning system is activated only for upcoming eruptive activity.

In the past, volcanic activity in this area has been characterized mainly by explosive eruptions, and this is the scenario that is reasonable to expect in the event of future eruptions. Monitoring the volcano's geophysical and geochemical parameters is crucial for determining its activity status and alert level and implementing measures outlined in the Civil Protection Plan.

The IT alert notification is sent when the volcanic risk alert phase is activated, requiring the evacuation of residents in the red zone due to a potential eruption.

The warning system is not expected to be used for other phenomena typical of the Phlaegrean caldera, such as bradyseismic phenomena and fumarolic activity in known predefined areas.

In the case of earthquakes, the system would not be effective, as they are unpredictable events that make it impossible to send a timely warning message. It's important to note that earthquakes in volcanic areas and bradyseism phenomena do not necessarily indicate an upcoming eruption.

messaggio reale Campi Flegrei

In case of real danger, cell phone users located in the Campania Region will receive such an IT-alert message:

Civil Protection Alert DD/MM/YY at 00:00 - Possible volcanic activity at Campi Flegrei. EVACUATION STARTS FOR THE RED ZONE ONLY. Keep up to date and follow the instructions of the authorities.

However, there may be devices present in areas affected by the emergency that will not receive the message. This is caused by one of the limits of cell-broadcast technology: the impossibility of perfectly overlaying the area potentially affected by the emergency with the area covered by the antennas of the telephone operators used to send the messages.