notizia9 dicembre 2024
Eni facility accident in Calenzano: IT-alert activated for the first time in a real emergency
The message was sent at 11:25 a.m. within the 5 km radius of the facility
Today, December 9, 2024, a major accident occurred at the Eni industrial facility in the municipality of Calenzano (Florence).
The refinery is on the list of facilities subject to the Seveso Directive, and, as required by EU regulations for public warning systems and the Italian Electronic Communications Code, the national IT-alert system was activated. This is the first time the tool has been used in a real emergency.
At 11:25 a.m., citizens located in the area within the 5 km radius around the facility received the following alert message:
- ALLARME PROTEZIONE CIVILE 09/12/2024 ore 11:25 Incidente nell'impianto industriale ENI Spa con presenza di sostanze pericolose nel Comune di Calenzano (Firenze), via Erbosa n.29. Trova riparo al chiuso e non avvicinarti all'impianto. Tieniti aggiornato e segui le indicazioni delle Autorità.
- CIVIL PROTECTION ALERT 09/12/24 at 11:25 Accident at the Eni Spa industrial facility involving hazardous substances in the Municipality of Calenzano (Florence) via Erbosa n.29. Find indoor shelter and do not go near the facility. Keep up to date and follow the instructions of the authorities.